Physical Therapy Our physical therapists are Board-Certified Clinical Specialists, which means you get relief from your pain faster when you employ our physical therapy services. House Calls Our House Calls service brings the same physical therapy services that you would receive in our clinics to the convenience of your home. Personal Training & Wellness The path to wellness is a lifestyle. Spine & Sport’s goal is to help you live a healthy and active life by providing personal training for individual and group wellness. Concussion Management The physical therapists at Spine & Sport can help improve balance, treat dizziness, reduce headaches, improve recovery time & exercise tolerance. Speaking Engagements Our physical therapists will come and talk at an event hosted by your group and address concerns, offer advice, and answer questions related to physical therapy. Auto Accident Injury Treatment At Spine & Sport, we specialize in the treatment of motor vehicle accident injuries, and will work with you throughout the duration of your case.