Many people don't know that Physical Therapy services are covered under their insurance plan. Due to the fact that Georgia is a Direct Access state, most insurance plans don't require a physician's referral to come to Physical Therapy. We know that often when it comes to healthcare, dealing with your insurance provider and understanding your benefits can be intimidating. Spine & Sport strives to take the hassles out of filing claims to benefit providers (aka insurance companies) on behalf of our patients for therapy services. We have a dedicated finance team that will work with both you and your insurance company every step of the way to take the burden off of you.
Once you provide us your insurance information, we will get in touch with your benefit provider and get all the information on your benefits. Then, within three business days, we will contact you to explain your benefits and how they will apply to your physical therapy sessions. You will only be responsible for your co-pay.
If you have any questions during your treatment, please feel free to contact our finance department at (877) 826-1509.
Spine & Sport is your best source for physical therapy and post orthopedic surgery rehabilitation. We have 6 locations in Georgia and Florida that can meet all of you physical therapy and other wellness needs. Our physical therapists are knowledgeable about the latest methods in physical therapy and can help you overcome physical pain and meet other wellness goals you may have. Our staff can use physical therapy to treat most body pains including neck, back, foot, and leg pains. Through physical therapy we can cure daily headaches as well! Stop living in pain and visit one of our physical therapy specialists today.